This article is taken from the Samaritans UK website, and has been adapted for our operation in Cyprus.
We offer exactly the same service and have been trained using the same methods and techniques as Samaritans in the UK. Talking about your problems can really help, why not give it a try call us on 8000 7773,or email us at or make an appointment to visit us in person at our centre in Paphos….what have you got to lose?
What is suicide?
Suicide is the act of a person consciously (willingly) ending their own life.
Why do people take their own lives?
There is no one reason why people take their own lives. It is often as a result of problems building up to the point where the person can see no other way to cope with what they’re experiencing.
Very often people (or the media) look for a ‘cause’ as if there is one factor that has led someone to take their own life. In reality, the way someone feels is a result of many factors. For example, a recent survey of Samaritans UK callers found that 86% of them were calling about a number of problems or worries rather than one single thing.
The kinds of problems that might increase the risk of suicide include:
- Recent loss or the break up of a close relationship
- An actual or expected unhappy change in circumstances
- Painful and/or disabling physical illness
- Heavy use of, or dependency on alcohol/other drugs
- History of earlier suicide attempts or self-harming
- History of suicide in the family
- Depression
- When someone is feeling low or distressed it may be that a seemingly minor event is the trigger for them attempting to kill themselves.
Why does talking help?
Talking openly about how you really feel can be like opening a door. Talking puts you back in control and reveals the choices you have.
Many people feel pressured into hiding their feelings out of embarrassment or concern not to burden family or friends. But hiding under a calm exterior only saves the problem for later and stress can build up until it becomes unbearable. Don’t leave it that long.
Remember, Cyprus Samaritans are there to help.
“I’d like to say how great Samaritans are. I recently phoned them and the bloke I talked to was really calm and friendly. He gave me the time that I needed to say difficult things and he called me back so that the call wouldn’t appear on the itemised phone bill. No-one there could magically make my life better and totally happy, but talking really did help. People reading this who are depressed might not believe that; I know because I was the same. But I’d like to say give it a try – it can’t make things worse can it? I also know that there will always be someone at the end of the phone.”
Gary, UK Samaritans caller
Do you have to be suicidal to call Cyprus Samaritans?
If you think you might benefit from confidential emotional support then we are here for you. You do not have to be suicidal to contact us. We will not judge you if you call. We understand that sometimes it can feel difficult to pick up the telephone, so try an email or write a letter to us instead. Sometimes writing down your thoughts can really help understand them better.
“I would tell anyone to call Samaritans because they’ve always helped me and you haven’t got anything to lose. If they don’t help you, it’s just a phone call, you don’t have to tell anyone that you’ve called them and it’s all anonymous. It’s worth a try. Even if you aren’t on the point of killing yourself, you can still be going through immense pain and distress-almost unbearable – and Samaritans are fantastic at easing your pain.”
UK Samaritans caller